Inspired by Isabella Benabaye, Sharla Gelfand, and Tim Urban, My Life in Months is a chart that helps you see the larger picture of your life.

Each square represents one month, and each row displays one year, with the upper-left corner being the month you were born.

Create Your Own Chart

Use the table below to map out your career path, where you've lived, trials and tribulations, or other meaningful life events. We've filled the table with some data to help you see how it works, so just click on the title, event names, or the start date of the event to edit the data. Note that the start date of an event is also the end date of the previous event. Two events with the same name will be automatically linked in the chart. Pressing the Use Number of Months switch will enable you to use the number of months to edit an event instead of the start dates.

When you are done, click Download Image to keep a picture of your chart! Or, click Download CSV to save your data.

My Life in Months
Life EventStart MonthColor

Uploading a CSV File

Want to edit your chart in spreadsheet software like Excel instead of editing the table on this page? Or do you want to upload a chart that you downloaded from this website in the past? Use the "Choose File" button to choose a CSV file to populate the table. Don't know how to save a spreadsheet as a CSV? Click here for instruction.

Uploading Format Guidlines:

1. CSV file must only have three columns

2. The first three columns in the first row must be named "Life Event", "End Month" (or "Month"), and "Color" in that order.

3. The names of the columns in the CSV correspond to the columns with the same name in the table above.

4. Months must be in "YYYY-MM" format if you are using start dates. They must be positive integers if you are using the number of months.

5. If you are using start dates, then every row in your chart must use start dates. If you're using the number of months, then every row must use the number of months.

6. If you are using start dates, then the last event row in your csv must be the end date, named "End Date" and the color must be "undefined".

7. colors must be hexadecimals representing the color.

8. For an example of a CSV file in the proper format, download a CSV file from this page and use it as a guide.

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